Hey there! My name is Han Meng.
I’m a product designer based in New York City. I use data and technology to create user-centered experiences that enhance daily life.

See my work

SKYCLARYS Patient Website

Role: Information Architecture, UX UI design, Prototype

Led the design of the patient-facing website for the first and only treatment, SKYCLARYS, for Friedreich ataxia (FA). Increased the CRM email signup rate by 80% and doubled the click rate for prescribing information.

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Role: Usability testing, UX UI design, Prototype

Pregame is exclusively for coaches of youth baseball and softball and aims to be the best app for building hitting lineups and fielding schedules, minimizing mistakes & saving time.

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Role: User research, UX UI design, Prototype

Dreambuilder empowers users to create and maintain healthy nighttime and morning routines and habits. This helps them develop a well-structured sleep schedule, leading to improved sleep quality.

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